
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Alchemist journal 2 final draft

Garrett Kitchen
It Is Written
“We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it’s our life or our possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand.”(78)

        I think this quote has two meanings. If only one meaning came out of everything, only a few people would get that meaning. The same things mean different things to different people. I am going to write both the meanings I was fortunate enough to see. Even if I only I interpreted the meanings, because That’s what I wanted to see. For showing me these two interpretations.
        I think the first meaning this quote signified is that a higher power wrote the history of the world and our life stories. The second meaning I saw in this quote was that you helped write the history of the world because things you do become history, and your apart of the Soul of the World. Of course if you wrote the history of the world then you're writing your life story, and that’s a part of the soul of the world.
        This applies to Santiago in the sense that God/Soul of the World wrote Santiago’s personal legend, but at the pivotal point in his life he needed to realize his personal legend, When Santiago is reaching his personal legend, it isn’t all the King of Salem, and beginners luck. In fact mainly it’s Santiago fulfilling his personal legend. So in a sense, at least for Santiago he realizes the history of the world and his life story are written by him and God, but doesn’t it say in the book, that we all are a part of the Soul of the World and apart of God? If you think of it in this way, it is all written in the same hand.
        This applies to my life, because everyone wrote the history of the world and each person wrote their own life story along with God and The Soul of the World. If we’re all apart of God and The Soul of the world we are all in a certain sense the same being. No matter what our differences are every human has a primal belief in something whether it is God in any shape or form(s), a higher power, spirituality, or Atheism. Before we come into this world, when we’re in it, and after this world we can all be a part of The Soul of the World. We can all be one with each other. Don’t get me wrong, we obviously are all different, but I’m talking on the deepest/highest plane of spirituality we are all together, united as one. That’s outlook on this whole life changing scrap of knowledge.

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