
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Orson Scott Card Article Response

February 26, 2013
Garrett Kitchen
            I am disgusted by individuals who oppose gay rights and same-sex marriage. I feel that this is equivalent to black rights and women’s rights; I feel that there is no freedom in America until everyone here has equality. When Card said “Marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down."  I was appalled and surprised. I cannot believe that someone who wrote such an open minded bromancy book, Ender’s Game, would threaten to attempt to destroy a government that legalized same-sex marriage. Although I am pro-gay rights, I still love Ender’s Game and many other books written by Card. Card can still be very creative and open minded in other ways in his books, I don’t think his gay rights opinion affect his books. I don’t think that Mr. Vack should remove Ender’s Game from his curriculum, because the book doesn't show an anti-gay points of view, in fact it is very open minded in other way that I admire. For example, when Ender finds the Bugger egg, he is searching for a place to rehabilitate the Bugger race in an attempt to undue his genocide. I think this reflects on America should’ve tried more to undue it’s mistreatment of African-Americans and the genocide of American Indians. I think it is a pathetic attempt to try to keep Card “out of the limelight” and the movie company should let Card talk about the movie, but try to avoid his anti-gay views. Just like letting the book remain in Mr. Vack’s curriculum, I think the movie should be allowed to continue on to release date boycott free. Even though Card will benefit financially from the movie, he still deserves money for the great story that is Ender’s Game.

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